To express beyond word, into the quiet, into the lonely quiet of inside or above. To see what we are not meant to see. The bird’s eye or the third eye. They call it art but it is not art. It is thought. Organic. Crystalline. Interpretive. Loving. Do birds think in three dimensions? Up, down, sideways? Without help we can only go sideways. Humans cannot go up or down. Only in thought. These new tools, these camera’s that fly, are they any different than the brushes that have flown over canvases and in caves for eternity? To open not a door but a hole, a void, in order to fill it with thought. Thought, that King of all existence. Too find that quiet thought. That profound silence and aloneness. To not look but to see. Are our cave paintings and our photography since the beginning nothing more than art simply radiated as emotions? How far does it go? Must one create an image to feel it? Understand it? Is there a joy in loneliness?

You slip beneath the waters and all becomes muffled. You rise in the sky and land noises become subdued. Can we think in the noise? Really think? Do we think on a wave? What does a flying creature think of our thoughts as we dance on the sea? What must they think of us? Putting so much energy into something that gains no food. No water. No thought at the time of the act. Is loneliness a condition? Or an answer? When are we ever alone?


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